€30,00 EUR

Landscapes of Belonging - online workshop

"Our bodies know they belong; it is our minds that make our lives so homeless." - John 
A full day online immersion into the topic of belonging. 
Sunday 26th of May, 2024, on Zoom -. 11.00 - 18.00 ( 1,5 h break) 
One thing if for sure - the topic Belonging  strikes a chord within so many people in the world today,  and we see how many people resonate with the approach of inner connection through art embodiment and nature connection. We received more than 300 applications, and we know there is a deep longing within the wider community 
We wish we could invite all of you for the BE+ training in Mundekulla, and although this is not possible, we wish to invite those of you who might be interested in taking part in our future work, to join a full day workshop online, exploring BELONGING. 
We believe that humanity is formed around the stories we share and tell - they weave us together - and that Art can touch our hearts, take us to new places and discover ourselves part of something larger. We want to write the story of Belonging, in the most colorful and diverse way possible and invite you into these landscapes of mystery, play, creativity and beauty.